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Web Sites and Documents about Environment .

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Annual Report: City of Hartford Asthma Call to Action Hartford's Asthma Call to Action Task Force focuses on Hartford residents that have signs and symptoms of asthma but have not been diagnosed by a physician as having asthma as well as those that already have an asthma diagnosis. Objectives include improving the care provided to already diagnosed asthmatic individuals, to emphasize basic asthma management skills, and to educate the public on reducing risk factors and seeking medical care. Published by Hartford Community Health Partnership Hartford Community Health Partnership ; Publication Date: 2003
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Health/wsd_2003.asp

City of Hartford Letter of Interest for Greening America's Capitals Program The City of Hartford has submitted a letter of interest in the Greening America's Capitals program from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, outlining the Capitol Avenue Visioning Project. (PDF document, 16 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford ; Publication Date: July 22, 2010
Document Link: /issues/wsd/parks/GAC_Hartford Application.pdf

Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice The mission of Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice is to protect urban environments primarily in Connecticut through educating communities, through promoting changes in local, state, and national policy, and through promoting individual, corporate and governmental responsibility towards our environment. The web site includes information on the Coalition's 2005 Legislative Agenda, and the Hartford arm of the organization, the Hartford Environmental Justice Network, or HEJN. Users can sign up for e-mail notifications, and receive information on meetings & training sessions. Published by Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice ; Publication Date: 2004
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Health/wsd_2004_c.asp

Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority (CRRA) Web Site The Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority is a quasi-public agency established by the state in 1973 to modernize Connecticut's solid waste disposal. The web site includes descriptions of projects, educational initiatives, waste management guidelines for consumers and resources and information for businesses, Published by Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority ; Publication Date: 2005
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Environment/wsd_2005.asp

Connecticut's Changing Landscape The UCONN Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) has made use of cutting-edge remote sensing techniques to provide data about how our landscape has changed since 1985, with a special emphasis on the growth of developed land. This web site contains statewide land cover data maps, charts, tables and animations depicting land cover changes over time in Connecticut. Published by UCONN Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) UCONN Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR)
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/UrbanSprawl/ct_changing_landscape.asp Related Link(s): Connecticut MetroPatterns

Draft for Public Comment: Remedial Action Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum for REC-02: 10,000-gallon Underground Storage Tank Ramon Qurious Park, Hartford, CT This draft report for public comment provides a framework for the proposed remedial activities proposed by Fuss and O�Neill, that will occur at the Ramon Qurious Park located at 354-380 Hudson Street in Hartford, Connecticut where a 10,000 gallon abandoned underground storage tank is located. (PDF document, 37 pages) Published by Fuss & O�Neill, Inc. Fuss & O�Neill, Inc. ; Publication Date: January 2011
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Environment/Ramon_Qurious_Park_Storage_Tank.pdf

Energy Efficiency Study of Connecticut Schools This study of the energy efficiency of Connecticut public schools found that they were among the least energy efficient schools in the U.S. Rising energy costs are siphoning off money that could be spent on educational programs. (PDF file, 19 pages) Published by Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University ; Publication Date: June 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/education/energy_efficient_schools.pdf

Engineering & Environmental Applications of Plasma Arc Technology Louis J. Cicero Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist and Director of Plasma Applications Research Program at Georgia Tech Research Institute explains Plasma Arc Technology in this document, used in a presentation he made in Hartford recently. (PDF File, 23 pages) Published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, Electro-Optics, Environment and Materials Lab Georgia Tech Research Institute, Electro-Optics, Environment and Materials Lab ; Publication Date: March 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/landfill/EngEnvApp.pdf

Hartford Community Health Partnership Web Site This web site describes the efforts that have been undertaken by the Hartford Health Department, along with health care and community organizations, as well as many citizens, to work towards improving public health in Hartford. It describes new information that is available on the health of Hartford's residents. In English and Spanish Published by Hartford Community Health Partnership Hartford Community Health Partnership ; Publication Date: 2004
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Health/wsd_2004_a.asp Related Link(s): Hartford Health Survey

Hartford Health Survey 2003 The report presents the results of the most recent Hartford Health Survey completed in 2003. These surveys are part of the Hartford Health Department's and Hartford's Community Health Partnership's commitment to elicit feedback directly from Hartford residents on their health and their community, to be responsive to the concerns of the community, and to assess whether the needs of all segments of the community are being addressed. The Hartford Health Survey 2003 includes for the first time, a set of items addressing childhood health issues. The report is prepared by The Institute for Outcomes Research and Evaluation at Hartford Hospital. Published by City of Hartford, Health and Human Services Department City of Hartford, Health and Human Services Department ; Publication Date: June 2003
Document Link: http://www.hartfordinfo.org/Issues/wsd/Health/healthsurvey2003.asp Related Link(s): Hartford's Community Health Partnership ; The Institute for Outcomes Research & Evaluation at Hartford Hospital

Hartford Landfill Solutions Summary Document Hartford City Councilman Dr. Robert Painter has been investigating issues regarding the Hartford landfill as well as possible solutions to the problem. This summary, written by Dr. Painter, outlines some of the challenges faced by Hartford and describes a new technology that may provide an answer to the landfill. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org ; Publication Date: June 02, 2004
Document Link: /issues/wsd/landfill/dr_bob_painter.asp Related Link(s): Dr. Bob Painter Web Site ; Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority (CRRA)

Hartford: Your Health and Your Environment This web site provides information on a broad range of environmental topics that affect the quality of life in the City of Hartford. The goal of the site is to offer an educational opportunity for Hartford residents and to encourage community participation in urban environmental public policy. The site covers environmental issues that are of concern for Hartford residents, including lead poisoning, asthma, indoor air quality, outdoor air quality and open space. In English and Spanish. Published by Hartford Health Department Hartford Health Department ; Publication Date: 2004
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Health/wsd_2004.asp Related Link(s): EPA: Urban Environmental Program in New England ; Atlas of Minority and Low-Income Populations in the Capitol Region

HartfordInfo Today: Revitalizing Hartford: Will A Green Strategy Help? Video A video recording of the April 15, 2009 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Revitalizing Hartford: Will A Green Strategy Help?, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org ; Publication Date: April 15, 2009
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_15_2009.asp

High Performance School Initiative Final Report To raise awareness of the benefits of high performance schools, the CT Green Building Council (CTGBC) has embarked on a program to promote the transformation of schools in Connecticut. Launched in February 2005, the High Performance Schools Initiative is operating on four tracks that include a stakeholder process, an educational outreach effort, an inventory of all public school buildings, and monitoring of legislative action. With the conclusion of the stakeholder process, they published this final report of what our stakeholders have identified as significant benefits of and barriers to promoting the design and construction of high-performance schools, and their suggested actions for raising the building standards used for constructing new schools in Connecticut. (PDF file, 23 pages) Published by Connecticut Green Building Council Connecticut Green Building Council ; Publication Date: January 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/education/CTGreenBuildingReport.pdf

Landfill Solutions Listing of Resources on Landfill Solutions such as Plasma Torching and Vitrification. Prepared by Hartford Public Library Information, Reference & Research staff. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org ; Publication Date: April 2004
Document Link: /issues/wsd/landfill/solutions.asp HartfordInfo Data: Landfills

Life After Landfill Discussion Audio A audio recording of the discussion portion of the October 26, 2006 community program, Life After Landfill, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org ; Publication Date: October 26, 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_10_26_2006.asp

Mayor's Update, Spring 2006 A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Spring 2006 issue includes updates on the "Clean Sweep Avenue" campaign to clean up the city, the opening of neighborhood businesses, such as the Save-a-Lot Grocery in the Clay Arsenal neighborhood, and the opening of a Citizen's Bank branch. (PDF document, six pages) Published by The City of Hartford The City of Hartford ; Publication Date: Spring 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/government/MayorsUpdateSpring06.pdf

Mayor's Update, Summer/Fall 2009 A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Summer/Fall 2009 issue includes updates on Hartford schools and test scores, smarth growth, federal stimulus dollars, and single-stream recycling. (PDF document, four pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford ; Publication Date: August 17, 2009
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Government/MayorsUpdateSummer09.pdf

MDC 21st Century Clean Water Project Presentation to the Hartford City Council The Metropolitan District Commission presentation to the Hartford City Council concerning the plans for the Clean Water Project which will separate the rainwater discharge from the sewer system to prevent overflows and pollution. Published by The Metropolitan District Commission The Metropolitan District Commission ; Publication Date: March 15, 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Region/mdc_presentation.asp

Metropolitan District, Hartford Connecticut; Long-Term CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) Control Plan Draft plan created to ensure compliance with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection's standards. The Metropolitan District (MDC) is a non-profit municipal corporation chartered by the Connecticut General Assembly in 1929 to provide potable water and sewerage services on a regional basis. (PDF File - 258 pages) Published by The Metropolitan District The Metropolitan District ; Publication Date: December 2004
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Environment/wsd_12_2004.asp

Municipal Landfill Resource Guide Listing of local city and neighborhood level resources related to landfill issues in Hartford. Prepared by Hartford Public Library Information, Reference & Research staff. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org ; Publication Date: April 2004
Document Link: /issues/documents/landfill/default.asp HartfordInfo Data: Landfill Solutions

Planning the Future of the Hartford Landfill This document provides a variety of options for the future of the Hartford landfill, a timeline and a map of the landfill. Published by The Hartford News The Hartford News ; Publication Date: October 1 - 8, 2009
Document Link: /issues/wsd/landfill/wsd_htfd_news_spread.asp

Plasma Processing of Municipal Solid Waste at Coal-Fired Power Plants Louis J. Cicero Ph.D.,and Michael S. Smith of Plasma Applications Research Program at Georgia Tech Research Institute explain Plasma Processing at Landfills in this document, used in a presentation he made in Hartford recently. (PDF File, 11 pages) Published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, Environmental Systems Div., Health and Environmental Systems Instit Georgia Tech Research Institute, Environmental Systems Div., Health and Environmental Systems Instit ; Publication Date: March 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/landfill/PlasmaProcess.pdf

Pope Park Master Plan Developed through a series of public meetings, user surveys and historic research, the Pope Park Master Plan describes the history of the park and current plans for improving the park � including lighting, roadways, and playing fields. (PDF document, 58 pages) Published by Friends of Pope Park Master Plan Committee Friends of Pope Park Master Plan Committee ; Publication Date: 2001
Document Link: /issues/wsd/neighborhoods/pparkmasterplan.pdf Related Link(s): Pope Park Master Plan Summary and Background Information

Pope Park Web Site Contains information on history, master plan, the Friends of Pope Park and a Calendar of Events. Published by Pope Hartford Designated Fund and the Friends of Pope Park Pope Hartford Designated Fund and the Friends of Pope Park ; Publication Date: February 2005
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Environment/wsd_02_2005.asp Related Link(s): Pope Park Master Plan HartfordInfo Data: Frog Hollow Neighborhood General Profile

Sizing the Green Economy: A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment Covering the years 2003 to 2010 for every county in the United States, this report represents the first study of the U.S. clean economy to provide timely information to inform national, state, and regional leaders on the dynamics of the U.S. green sector. This information is then employed in a discussion of how the nation, the states, and localities and regions might address a number of key policy problems that may be slowing the growth of the clean economy. (PDF document, 68 pages) Published by Brookings Institution Brookings Institution ; Publication Date: 2011
Document Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/0713_clean_economy.pdf

State Representative Kelvin Roldan Statement on Proposed Hartford Waste Transfer Station In this statement, State Representative Kelvin Roldan and Senator John Fonfara express their opposition to a proposal for a new waste transfer facility on Murphy Road. Published by Connecticut Representative Kelvin Roldan Connecticut Representative Kelvin Roldan ; Publication Date: April 20, 2009
Document Link: /issues/documents/neighborhoods/RoldanWasteTransferStatement.pdf

The Burden of Asthma in New England This report, produced by the Asthma Regional Council, represents the most current and comprehensive investigation of asthma prevalence conducted in the New England (NE) region. It examines the health, socioeconomic, behavioral, and environmental predictors that relate to adult and child asthma in the six states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont). (PDF file, 90 pages) Published by Asthma Regional Council Asthma Regional Council ; Publication Date: March 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Health/BurdenofAsthma.pdf

The Clean Water Project Video and Audio A video and an audio recording of the November 2, 2006 community program, The Clean Water Project, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org ; Publication Date: November 2, 2006
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_11_02_2006.asp

The Economic Impact on Connecticut from Recycling Activity In 2012, the impact on Connecticut�s economy due to recycling activity, is estimated to be over $746 million. Over seven years, from 2006 through 2012, this impact is estimated to be nearly $5.17 billion. (PDF document, 16 pages) Published by Connecticut Economic Resource Center Connecticut Economic Resource Center ; Publication Date: November 2012
Document Link: /issues/wsd/Environment/CERC_recycling_economic_impact_study_executive_summary_11-27-2012.pdf

The MDC Clean Water Project A new website: thecleanwaterproject.com, provided by the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC), designed to provide up-to-date information on all aspects of the Clean Water Project. The website will help MDC customers in the eight district towns get information on all aspects of this initiative, a more than $1 billion project that will improve the area�s water quality and help protect residents� health and safety. The website offers a useful town by town directory of activities, construction-related traffic advisories, the historic conditions that led to the development of the Clean Water Project, as well as detailed information on the multitude of projects that will comprise this undertaking. Published by Metropolitan District Commission Metropolitan District Commission
Document Link: /Issues/wsd/Region/mdc_clean_water_project.asp

| Last update: September 25, 2012 |
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