This booklet is designed help inform state legislators with fiscal choices. It is designed to give taxpayers and their lawmakers a simple guide to how their states rank on tax rates, collections, burdens, spending and many more. (PDF document, 42 pages) Published by Tax Foundation Tax Foundation
; Publication Date: June 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/2010_Facts_and_Figures.pdf
The text of the state law proposed to authorize municipalities that are implementing a revaluation to phase-in property tax assessments increases and to require the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to establish criteria for exempting towns from revaluation for a period of five years. Raised Bill #535. Published by Connecticut General Assembly Connecticut General Assembly
; Publication Date: February 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/bill535.asp
Related Link(s):
Connecticut General Assembly Bill Status
The text of the state law proposed in regards to the establishment of abatements in qualifying municipalities and to eliminate the surcharge on corporations. Raised Bill #531 Published by Connecticut General Assembly Connecticut General Assembly
; Publication Date: February 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/bill531.asp
Related Link(s):
Connecticut General Assembly Bill Status
This report for the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities suggests that despite tough fiscal times, state government has a moral and economic imperative to provide increased assistance to Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, and Waterbury. These four communities bear a disproportionate burden when it comes to paying for and providing services to Connecticut�s neediest residents. (PDF document, 28 pages) Published by Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
; Publication Date: October 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/ccm-poorer-cities.pdf
The Connecticut General Assembly mandated that the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) should, in consultation with the Department of Revenue Services (DRS), prepare a report every three years in order to assess the economic and fiscal impact of the state�s tax credit and abatement programs. In this report DECD examines these programs from 1995 through 2007. (PDF document, 170 pages) Published by Connecticut Department Of Economic And Community Development Connecticut Department Of Economic And Community Development
; Publication Date: December 31, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/decd_report_12-30-2010_final.pdf
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) produced nearly 1.3 million units of rental housing between the start of the program, in 1987, and 2003, surpassing the size of the public housing program. Creating mixed income housing has become a central objective of housing policy. This report focuses on the extent to which each of the states administering the tax credit program has used the program to place family rental housing in low poverty neighborhoods that are not racially isolated. Published by Poverty and Race Research Action Council Poverty and Race Research Action Council
; Publication Date: July 28, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/LIHTC_report_2006.pdf
The premier issue of a newsletter of the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding. The newsletter is aimed at keeping the growing membership of CCJEF abreast of coalition developments. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding
; Publication Date: May 15, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EducationFunding/CCJEF_May_15_07.pdf
The mission of the Network is to create a broad-based, non-partisan, diverse grassroots citizens organization, drawing together persons from every town in the Capitol Region to address collaboratively regional issues, problems, challenges, and opportunities. The web site includes information about the "Financing Local Education" Study Committee, contact information for Steering Committee Members, meeting minutes and agendas. Published by The Citizens Network The Citizens Network
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/Region/wsd_2005_a.asp
A newsletter about city services, the city budget and taxes, and public safety and crime from the office of Mayor Pedro Segarra. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by City of Hartford, Office of the Mayor City of Hartford, Office of the Mayor
; Publication Date: April 4, 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/city_gov_working_for_you_Apr_12.pdf
At the request of the City of Hartford Court of Common Council, the city auditor completed an examination in April 2013 of the Procurement Card Program of the City of Hartford. The purpose of the examination was to evaluate and test internal accounting and operating controls, the accuracy and propriety of transactions processed, the degree of compliance with established operating policy and procedures, and to recommend improvements where required. (PDF document, 11 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: May 3, 2013
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/final-report-_city_-pcard_audit_april-2013_1314.pdf
Mayor Perez outlines his 2005-06 budget in this document handed out at community meetings. (PDF document, 17 pages). Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: April 27, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/MayorBudgetRec06-07.pdf
A map of the city of Hartford showing tax exempt property based on Assessor's records as of October 2005. (PDF document, 1 page). Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: October 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/Tax_Exempt_Property_Fall_2005.pdf
The recent meeting of the Hartford Committee of the Whole (i.e., the Hartford City Council) with Mayor Eddie A. Perez focused on incoming monies to help build a framework for the upcoming budget. In recent years, revenues have lagged compared to expenditures and the challenge for the FY 2010-2011 budget is an approximate $40 million gap. This cooperative effort--- facilitated by Leadership Greater Hartford--- is a continuation of a 90-day process to build a consensus budget to be presented at public hearings. (PDF Document, 18 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: January 28, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/government/COW_FY_10-11_Budget_Workshop.pdf
A video of the February 4, 2009 community program, Climb Every Mountain: Hartford's Budget Challenge, Part I: The Big Picture, which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
; Publication Date: February 4, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_02_04_2009.asp
A video of the February 26, 2009 community program, Climb Every Mountain: Hartford's Budget Challenge, Part II: The Local Picture , which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_02_26_2009.asp
A video of the March 11, 2009 community program, Climb Every Mountain: Hartford's Budget Challenge, Part III: A Complicated Picture , which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
; Publication Date: March 11, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_03_11_2009.asp
As Connecticut lawmakers continue to formulate the FY 2014-2015 biennial budget, the state�s statutory expenditure cap looms large. The flawed and highly restrictive rules under which the spending cap currently operates continue to create problems for responsible planning, the stability of the state budget, and maintaining investments that are crucial to families and the state�s quality of life. This report discusses the cap and its consequences. (PDF document, 7 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: May 2013
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/bud13spendcapreform1.pdf
This fact sheet reviews Connecticut's income tax thresholds for low-income families in 2006. It contains information on the impact of state income taxes on working-poor and near-poor families, including historical trends. (PDF document, 1 page) Published by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
; Publication Date: March 27, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/CT_Fact_Sheet.pdf
This brief finds that sufficient revenues are essential to Connecticut's economic future, that Connecticut's revenues are low to average and have room to grow, that tax cuts funded by a temporary surplus should be rejected, and that tax changes should be evaluated in accordance with National Conference of State Legislature principles for a high quality revenue system. (PDF file, 2 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: February 8, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/fiscal_facts_06.pdf
This report evaluated the unfunded mandates for the various Connecticut state retirement systems, and suggests short- and long-term approaches to solving the problem of adequately funding them. (PDF document, 58 pages) Published by Connecticut State Post-Employment Benefits Commission Connecticut State Post-Employment Benefits Commission
; Publication Date: October 28, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/CT_Pension_Commission_Rpt.pdf
CT Sunlight Project is an electronic tool constructed by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy � so that the citizens of Connecticut can look at every line item of state government spending and discover how tax dollars are being spent. Published by Connecticut Sunlight Project Connecticut Sunlight Project
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/wsd_040610.asp
This document puts the governor's budget proposal for FY '07 in context and provides an analysis. (PDF file, 2 pages). Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: February 13, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/CTTaxesinContext.pdf
A pamphlet from the Yankee Institute listing the sources of revenue of the state of Connecticut. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by Yankee Institute Yankee Institute
; Publication Date: May 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/yankee_institute_pamphlet.pdf
In 2011, Connecticut lawmakers took historic action to establish and implement a state earned-income tax credit (EITC). After the first full year of the credit�s existence, its impact is clear. Data show that the credit is a boost to working families in every city, town, and county in Connecticut, keeping children out of poverty. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: January 2013
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/eitcbrief2013.pdf
Hartford Councilman Larry Deutsch's May 28, 2009 statement on the Mayor's vetoes of the City Council's revised budget. (PDF document, 1 page) Published by Hartford City Council Hartford City Council
; Publication Date: May 28, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/DeutschBudgetStatement.pdf
This quarterly forecast from the Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis (CCEA) concludes that there is currently little prospect for a robust recovery in Connecticut�s economy. State aggregate income will remain essentially flat while employment, despite very modest gains the past four months, will likely contract in the months ahead. There are no policy initiatives likely to drive a strong short-term recovery. However, Connecticut has at hand a powerful tool to drive short-term recovery in jobs and income�more than $1 billion in earned research and development tax credits that could be translated into capital investments, creating more than 4 million square feet of new advanced manufacturing, pharmaceutical, bioscience, and research space, creating nearly 40,000 new high-wage jobs. (PDF document, 17 pages) Published by Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: May 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/CT-Outlook-May-2010.pdf
Dating from 1999, this report is an independent analysis of the effects of revaluation of property in the City of Hartford, Connecticut. Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: December 1, 1999
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/EconEffectsofRevaluation.pdf
This report describes what the formula is for distributing Education Cost Sharing (ECS) grants to municipalities, when the formula was established and when it was last changed, and what the nature of the changes were. (PDF Document - 9 pages) Published by Office of Legislative Research; Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative Research; Connecticut General Assembly
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/education/olr_rsrch_ecs_form.pdf
Related Link(s):
School-Funding System Challenged: State's Existing Formula To Be Examined In Study
Based on feedback from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) campaign members and analysis of tax data and information sheet data, it was determined that a successful coalition was built this year. Considerations for 2006 VITA Campaign include partnering with already existent VITA sites, broadening outreach with new partners, and building relationships with more city and state agencies. (PDF file, 55 pages) Published by Connecticut Policy and Economic Council Connecticut Policy and Economic Council
; Publication Date: August 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/2005VITA.pdf
Related Link(s):
Hartford Making Connections
The evaluation includes an analysis of tax return data, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site intake and exit surveys, follow-up questionnaires from VITA volunteers, interviews with VITA site coordinators, Neighborhood Ambassadors and the Executive Director. Among other findings, it was determined that while the number of filers has increased significantly over the three years of VITA operations, the number of filers claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has not significantly exceeded the city average. In order to reach low income families more strategic outreach needs to occur. (PDF file, 40 pages) Published by Connecticut Policy and Economic Council Connecticut Policy and Economic Council
; Publication Date: August 2004
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/2004EITC.pdf
Related Link(s):
Hartford Making Connections
This report is focused on looking at the long-term solutions to the effective and efficient delivery of public services in Connecticut. (PDF document, 22 pages) Published by Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century
; Publication Date: February 1, 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Region/pubserv_pptexsummary.pdf
A Citizens Study Committee of the Citizens Network of the Capital Region studied the issue of local education finance in Connecticut. The Study Committee sought to answer the question: How can the tax system in Connecticut be modified to pay for local K-12 public education in a fairer way and to reduce the high level of reliance on local property taxes? After hearing a number of presentations and holding in depth discussions of issues regarding the financing of local education, the Citizens Network Study Committee identified a number of facts and conclusions, and a recommended set of actions to fix the financing system for local education in Connecticut. This final report describes the study and presents the recommendations. (PDF file, 34 pages). Published by Citizens Network of the Capital Region, Inc. Citizens Network of the Capital Region, Inc.
; Publication Date: February 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/EducationFunding/committeereport[1].pdf
A Citizens Study Committee of the Citizens Network of the Capital Region studied the issue of local education finance in Connecticut. The Study Committee sought to answer the question: How can the tax system in Connecticut be modified to pay for local K-12 public education in a fairer way and to reduce the high level of reliance on local property taxes? After hearing a number of presentations and holding in depth discussions of issues regarding the financing of local education, the Citizens Network Study Committee identified a number of facts and conclusions, and a recommended set of actions to fix the financing system for local education in Connecticut. This three page summary capsulizes the report and recommendations. (PDF file, 3 pages). Published by Citizens Network of the Capital Region, Inc. Citizens Network of the Capital Region, Inc.
; Publication Date: February 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/EducationFunding/ReportSummary[1].pdf
The Tax Foundation�s annual federal tax burden and expenditure study clarifies the geographical patterns of income redistribution that federal tax and spending policies cause each year. The results of the study have been controversial for years because they show that the nation is not only redistributing income from the prosperous to the poor, but from the
middle-income residents of high-cost states to the middle-income residents of low-cost states. In FY 2004, the residents of Connecticut were paying 166 percent of the national average in federal taxes. (PDF file, 8 pages) Published by Tax Foundation Tax Foundation
; Publication Date: March 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/federaltaxburdens.pdf
This report focuses on the State�s Correction, Parole and Probation Systems, that together constitute one of the fastest expanding segments of the Connecticut budget. Connecticut faces the worst fiscal crisis in a generation. The State Office of Fiscal Analysis reports a projected $3.4 billion deficit on estimated expenditures of $19.2 billion for fiscal 2012, which begins July first of next year. Shrinking revenues are forcing governors and legislators to examine all areas of public spending for possible savings. (PDF document, 8 pages) Published by Connecticut Regional Institute for the 21st Century Connecticut Regional Institute for the 21st Century
; Publication Date: October 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/PrisonerRe-entry/prisonsummaryfinal.pdf
Data from the Office of Fiscal Analysis and the Office of Policy and Management agree. Connecticut has a temporary surplus, but also a structural deficit. That is, starting in FY 08, Connecticut�s revenues are projected to be less than the spending that will be necessary simply to maintain current state services. This report highlights some of the reasons why Connecticut�s fiscal situation remains troubling, notwithstanding its current �surplus.� (PDF file, 22 pages). Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: March 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/GettingCTsFiscalShip.pdf
Governor M. Jodi Rell's State of the State Address. In it she proposes a variety of changes in tax laws, including eliminating the tax that individual owners pay on their cars. Published by Office of the Governor Office of the Governor
; Publication Date: February 8, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/governor_address_Feb06.asp
A summary of the changes in Hartford property taxes that result from revaluation, the tax cap law, and other tax relief measures. (PDF document, 11 pages) Published by Hartford 2000 Hartford 2000
; Publication Date: February 22, 2007
Link: /Issues/wsd/Taxes/wsd_022207.asp
The Hartford City Council letter of May 13, 2009, to a coalition of city unions expresses a commitment to work together to balance the city budget. (PDF document, 1 page) Published by Hartford City Council Hartford City Council
Link: /issues/documents/government/CouncilLetterToUnions.pdf
The first and second sets of recommendations of the Hartford Property Tax Reform Task Force, preceded by a letter from the Chairman of the Task Force. Recommendations include a continued phase-down of the business surcharge and an overall reduction of the subsidy provided by business; protection of Hartford�s small homeowner class; the equal tax treatment of all classes of property used for profit-making purposes; and a concern for the well-being of renters. These recommendations are for legislative action in the coming session of the State of Connecticut General Assembly. The Task Force will provide additional recommendations for action by the city government in early 2008. (PDF document, 15 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: December 31, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/Wareing_letter.pdf
An announcement that members of the Hartford Public Services Coalition delivered a proposal designed to save Hartford taxpayers millions of dollars in union contracts, protect vital public services and stop job losses in an economic crisis. (PDF document, 1 page) Published by Hartford Public Services Coalition Hartford Public Services Coalition
; Publication Date: June 4, 2009
Link: /issues/documents/Government/Coalition_Advisory_6_4_09.pdf
The newly formed Hartford Small Business Alliance presents its proposals for equitably distributing the tax increases that are the result of the recent state-mandated property revaluation. Their proposal would be applied to all small businesses in the city and would apply tax equalization formula capping tax increases at 15%, in contrast to the city-proposed phase in. The proposal also calls for an independent and transparent study committee. (PDF document, 9 pages) Published by Hartford Small Business Alliance Hartford Small Business Alliance
; Publication Date: June 18, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/HSBA_tax_presentation.pdf
A video recording of the April 11, 2006 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Property Taxes: How Do We Change the Collision Course?, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
; Publication Date: April 11, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_11_2006.asp
A discussion of state fiscal policy and its bias toward urban core municipalities. Includes data on state aid to municipalities, income tax and education funding (ECS). (PDF file - 23 pages) Published by House Republican Research Department House Republican Research Department
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/education/how_much_enough.pdf
Letter from R. Nelson "Oz" Griebel of MetroHartford Alliance to Mayor Pedro Segarra concerning the FY �13 city budget and its assumptions for revenue. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: May 16, 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/griebel1.pdf
Mayor Perez has vetoed certain budget resolutions proposed by the City Council for the 2009-2010 Hartford city budget, dated May 22, 2009. (PDF document, 40 pages) Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: May 22, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/government/PerezVetoes.pdf
A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Spring 2008 issue includes updates on "Going Green", public safety, education, recreation, taxes and more. (PDF document, six pages) Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: April 15, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/government/MayorsUpdateSpring08.pdf
A memo from the City of Hartford Finance Department to Mayor Eddie Perez evaluating the proposed state legislation which would freeze the phase-in of property revaluation, and how it would affect the City of Hartford property owners. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: June 9, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/Revaluation_Phase-In_Freeze.pdf
One Connecticut is an organization dedicated to narrowing Connecticut's divides in income, education and health care through equitable taxes, sufficient public investment and a vibrant democracy.
The web site includes descriptions of each of the issue areas: budget and taxes, housing, good jobs/economic security, education, health, and democracy. Published by One Connecticut One Connecticut
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/Government/wsd_2005.asp
Fifteen cities in Pennsylvania are pioneering an innovative approach to local tax reform that harnesses market incentives for urban renewal. Opting for the so-called 'two-rate' or 'split-rate' property tax, these cities are lowering taxes on buildings, thereby encouraging improvements and renovations, while raising the tax on land values, thus discouraging land speculation. The resulting infill development as indicated by increased building permits means downtown jobs, efficient use of urban infrastructure, an improved housing stock, and less urban sprawl. Pennsylvania's experience may be a useful model for Connecticut. Published by Earth Rights Institute Earth Rights Institute
; Publication Date: April 20, 1998
Link: /Issues/wsd/Taxes/wsd_042098.asp
This news release presents revised estimates of wages and salaries, personal taxes, and contributions for government social insurance for October through December 2009 (fourth quarter). Personal income increased $54.4 billion, or 0.4 percent, and disposable personal income increased $57.6 billion, or 0.5 percent, in April 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. (PDF document, 12 pages) Published by U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: May 28, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/PersonalIncomeandTaxes.pdf
A summary of the property tax system in Connecticut presented at the workshop sponsored by Hartford 2000. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by Hartford 2000 Hartford 2000
; Publication Date: February 22, 2007
Link: /Issues/wsd/Taxes/wsd_022207.asp
A presentation made by the Mayor's Office to the Hartford Court of Common Council summarizing property tax challenges resulting from state-mandated revaluation (PDF file, 10 pages). Published by Mayor's Office, City of Hartford Mayor's Office, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: March 28, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/Property_Tax_Challenges.pdf
A video of the March 5, 2008 community program, Property Tax Dilemma: What's the Next Move?, which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
; Publication Date: March 5, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_03_05_2008.asp
A audio recording of the February 22, 2007 community program, Property Taxes - The Real Story, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
; Publication Date: February 22, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_02_22_2007.asp
A workshop held at the Hartford Public Library and sponsored by Hartford 2000 and the Hartford Public Library, informed the public about how the property tax system works and recent changes which affect home owners in the city. (PDF document, 1 page) Published by Hartford 2000 Hartford 2000
; Publication Date: February 22, 2007
Link: /Issues/wsd/Taxes/wsd_022207.asp
The text of a proposal delivered by Hartford Public Services Coalition, a coalition of Hartford city employee unions, designed to help Hartford close the budget gap. (PDF document, 6 pages) Published by Hartford Public Services Coalition Hartford Public Services Coalition
; Publication Date: June 4, 2009
Link: /issues/documents/Government/UnionOffer.pdf
This report compares family incomes during three �economic trough� periods � 1980-1982, 1990-1992, and 2001-2003. The income gap between the richest and poorest has continued to grow in Connecticut. The growth in the gap in income between the top 20% of Connecticut families and the bottom 20% of families (as measured by the change in top-to-bottom ratio) is greater in Connecticut than in every state except Tennessee. (PDF file, 23 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: January 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/familiesandchildren/pulling_apart.pdf
An analysis of the changing geographic distribution of low-income workers and their families, measured by receipt of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit in tax years 1999 and 2005, nationwide and in 58 major metropolitan areas across the country reveals that the number of tax filers nationwide living in areas with high rates of working poverty increased by 40 percent. (PDF document, 28 pages) Published by The Brookings Institution The Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: August 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/concentrated_poverty.pdf
Connecticut�s tax threshold has been frozen for over 15 years. The �tax threshold� is defined as the income level at which a taxpayer first owes income tax, taking into account exemptions, credits and deductions that are universally available. Connecticut�s tax threshold for families has not been increased since the enactment of the personal income tax in 1991. This means that each year, an increasing number of low-wage families are becoming subject to the state�s income tax. (PDF file, 2 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: March 1, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/tax_threshold_brief.pdf
A video recording of the June 23, 2009 community program, State Budget Options for a Stronger Connecticut, held at the Hartford Public Library. Also included here is a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation, updated as of June 30, 2009. Published by
; Publication Date: June 23, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_06_23_2009.asp
In this report from the Rockefeller Institute of Government, analysis of state tax collections for all 50 states in the US, shows that total state tax collections declined as did collections from three major sources � sales tax, personal income, and corporate income, for the second consecutive quarter. Of the states in New England, Connecticut tax revenues declined the most, although the decline was slightly less than the national average. (PDF document, 19 pages) Published by The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government
; Publication Date: July 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/State_Revenue_Report_July_09.pdf
In the 1980s, the number of people sent to prison or supervised on probation and parole in the United States began growing substantially. Not surprisingly, the overall cost of corrections increased as well. But an unexpected about-face during current fiscal crisis has spurred lawmakers to reconsider who is punished and how. High recidivism rates among formerly incarcerated people have caused reevaluation of existing policies. Research-based responses that keep offenders in the community�whether through drug and other problem-solving courts or intermediate, targeted sanctions for parole violators�have been shown to maintain or enhance public safety at less expense. (PDF document, 24 pages) Published by Vera Institute of Justice Vera Institute of Justice
; Publication Date: October 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/PrisonerRe-entry/Fiscal-crisis-in-corrections10-10.pdf
This report reviews the impact of state income taxes on low-income families. Poor families in many states face substantial state income tax liability for the 2006 tax year. In 19 of the 42 states that levy income taxes, two-parent families of four with incomes below the federal poverty line are liable for income tax. In 15 of the 42 states, poor single-parent families of three pay income tax. And 29 of these states collect taxes from families of four with incomes just above the poverty line. In Connecticut, the income tax threshold has fallen over time from 173 percent to 117 percent of the poverty line. (PDF document, 23 pages) Published by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
; Publication Date: March 27, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/Impact_State_Taxes.pdf
Motivated by the prospect of continuing strain on local government finances, this study examines the extent to which a move to provide local government services at the regional rather than the local level could potentially reduce costs. It focuses especially on the expected long-term savings in the New England states, with specific numerical estimates for Massachusetts and Connecticut. (PDF document, 44 pages) Published by Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
; Publication Date: February 2013
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/quest_for_cost_efficient_local_gov.pdf
This report documents a $1 trillion gap. That is what exists between the $3.35 trillion in pension, health care and other retirement benefits states have promised their current and retired workers as of fiscal year 2008 and the $2.35 trillion they have on hand to pay for them. (PDF document, 66 pages) Published by The Pew Center for the States The Pew Center for the States
; Publication Date: February 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/The_Trillion_Dollar_Gap_final.pdf
A table which shows the amount of Federal Earned Income Tax Credit data (EITC) for 2003 for each town or city in Connecticut. It also shows an estimate of the amount of a state EITC if it were implemented. (PDF document, four pages) Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc. and Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc. and Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: September, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/FamiliesandChildren/ETIC_2006Oct.pdf
Related Link(s):
Connecticut Voices for Children
A video recording of the May 28, 2009 community program, Understanding City Services: Tax Collection Division, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by
; Publication Date: May 28, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_05_28_2009.asp
This site provides an explanation of the Education Cost Sharing formula along with scenarios that show how different increases would effect towns in Connecticut. Published by Connecticut Education Association Connecticut Education Association
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/EducationFunding/wsd_2005.asp