A collection of resources about the economic recovery package, from federal to state to business resources. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_040409.asp
This booklet is designed help inform state legislators with fiscal choices. It is designed to give taxpayers and their lawmakers a simple guide to how their states rank on tax rates, collections, burdens, spending and many more. (PDF document, 42 pages) Published by Tax Foundation Tax Foundation
; Publication Date: June 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/2010_Facts_and_Figures.pdf
This document is the structural study for the first phase of the CT Department of Transportation reconstruction of the I-84 Viaduct. (PDF document, 11 pages) Published by Capitol Region Council of Governments Capitol Region Council of Governments
Link: /issues/wsd/Transportation/Viaduct_report.pdf
A March 2009 presentation to the city council of the plans for stimulus funds that Hartford expects to receive. (PDF document, 12 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Stimulus_Presentation_3-31-09.pdf
The Connecticut General Assembly mandated that the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) should, in consultation with the Department of Revenue Services (DRS), prepare a report every three years in order to assess the economic and fiscal impact of the state�s tax credit and abatement programs. In this report DECD examines these programs from 1995 through 2007. (PDF document, 170 pages) Published by Connecticut Department Of Economic And Community Development Connecticut Department Of Economic And Community Development
; Publication Date: December 31, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/decd_report_12-30-2010_final.pdf
This report on the national study shows the economic impact of nonprofit arts organizations and their audiences. For example, the arts contribute more than $250 million annually to Greater Hartford's economy and nearly 5 million people attend arts and heritage events each year in Greater Hartford. (PDF File, 171 pages) Published by Americans for the Arts Americans for the Arts
; Publication Date: 2003
Link: /issues/wsd/artsandculture/national_rpt.pdf
The Assets and Opportunity Scorecard measures the financial security of families in the U.S., ranking the 50 states and the District of Columbia on 31 performance and 38 policy measures in the areas of Financial Security, Business Development, Homeownership, Health Care, Education, and Tax Policy. Published by CFED CFED
; Publication Date: May 17, 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_051705.asp
Related Link(s):
CFED News Release
State of Connecticut Scorecard (PDF file, two pages)
A series of maps identifying minority populations throughout the Capitol Region. Published by the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) as a result of the award of an Environmental Justice and Title VI Challenge Grant. Published by Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG)
; Publication Date: January, 2003
Link: /Issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_01_2003.asp
The Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA), Capital Workforce Partners and the United Illuminating Company conducted this Availability of Skilled Workers in Connecticut Survey in order to determine the perspectives of Connecticut businesses on the current and future workforce issues facing the state. (PDF document, 18 pages) Published by Connecticut Business and Industry Association Connecticut Business and Industry Association
; Publication Date: 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/employment/SkilledWorkers_08.pdf
An advertising supplement to the Hartford Courant, put together by Upper Albany Main Street (UAMS), which spotlights the growth and success of a variety of development projects and neighborhood businesses in Upper Albany. (PDF file, 6 pages, 6 MB) Published by The Hartford Courant The Hartford Courant
; Publication Date: May 10, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/neighborhoods/UpperAlbany_HtfdCourant_Insert.pdf
This report presents the key findings from the 2006 Edition of the Connecticut Benchmarks study � a report that identifies some of the forces impacting economic growth in Connecticut, and recommends five priority areas for sustainable growth: globally competitive education and training, dynamic and vibrant cities, quality affordable housing, integrated cost-effective transportation infrastructure, and growth in business investments. (PDF file, 80 pages) Published by Connecticut Economic Resource Center Connecticut Economic Resource Center
; Publication Date: 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Benchmarking06.pdf
This report is an assessment of Connecticut's capacity related to competitiveness and innovation in the knowledge economy. It examines the state in five different areas (technology, finance, entrepreneurial and business vitality, human capital, global links). The report reveals a state that is at a critical juncture. The goal is to serve as a catalyst to inform discussion, provoke dialogue, and lead to thoughtful and effective policies and programs that can help Connecticut�s economy remain strong and competitive. Published by Connecticut Economic Resource Center Connecticut Economic Resource Center
; Publication Date: September 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/benchmarking.pdf
The MetroHartford Millennium Project, in collaboration with the University of Connecticut�s Center for Economic Analysis, has undertaken a long-term research initiative to track the Hartford region�s economic progress over time. This report proposes a series of specific policy recommendations that would help lay the foundations for MetroHartford�s emergence as a truly effective regional, national, and global competitor. (PDF document, 9 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: July 13, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/government/MetroHartfordPolicyRec.pdf
The Connecticut Association for Human Services created this guide in an effort to increase access and awareness of existing community programs that help families save and invest money. Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc. Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc.
; Publication Date: 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/FamiliesandChildren/BuildingAssets_Hartford.pdf
This report analyzes the city�s social and economic conditions of Springfield, MA as they relate to future growth and development. To provide useful context, in addition to comparing Springfield with national averages, the city is contrasted with 16 peer cities such as Hartford, CT. The peer cities are similarly sized communities located in the Northeast and Midwest, regions where the same fundamental forces, such as higher labor costs, cooler climates, and a shortage of developable urban land, limit growth. The report includes quite a bit of information about Hartford. (PDF document, 60 pages) Published by Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth
; Publication Date: June 30, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Region/building_for_the_future_report.pdf
The Economic Policy Institute has an online Basic Family Budget Calculator. It is calculated for specific metro areas within all states. Currently the data is for 1999, will be updating it soon. Published by Economic Policy Institute Economic Policy Institute
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_2005.asp
In this document, the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy has compiled information on major and capital fundraising campaigns that are either in Greater Hartford or will be approaching Greater Hartford
grantmakers for philanthropic dollars. The report not only provides grantmakers with a picture of what the major development needs are or will be in the community, but also provides an overview for
nonprofit organizations contemplating a major campaign. (PDF document, 20 pages) Published by Connecticut Council for Philanthropy Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
; Publication Date: January 15, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/2008_HTFD_Cap_Report.pdf
The Capital City Economic Development Authority's web site contains information and graphics on several downtown development projects that the CCEDA is involved in.
The Capital City Economic Development Authority is a quasi-public state agency created in 1998 to manage state investment in the revitalization of Hartford. In conjunction with the Office of Policy and Management and the Department of Public Works, CCEDA oversees construction of the Connecticut Convention Center.
CCEDA funded the construction of the University of Connecticut stadium at Rentschler Field, the new downtown campus of Capital City Community College and several downtown housing projects. Published by Capital City Economic Development Authority Capital City Economic Development Authority
Link: /Issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/cceda.asp
An analysis of the Connecticut FY 06-07 State Budget by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM), which focuses on the impact on municipalities, summary of general government aid, summary of education aid, and bonding. (PDF document, 20 pages) Published by Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
; Publication Date: May 15, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/government/budget_analysis_fy06-07_final.pdf
This report includes the results of a survey of graduates from four-year colleges and universities from the classes of 2006 through 2011. It documents the difficulties young people encountered as they entered a turbulent labor market and recession. (PDF document, 66 pages) Published by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
; Publication Date: May 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Chasing_American_Dream_Report.pdf
A newsletter about city services, Census 2010, and the Plan of Conservation and Development (One City, One Plan), provided by the office of Mayor Eddie A. Perez. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by City of Hartford, Office of the Mayor City of Hartford, Office of the Mayor
; Publication Date: April 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/city_gov_working_for_you_Apr_10.pdf
A map of Hartford showing the locations of activity (e.g. retail, commercial, arts and culture, recreation). (PDF document, 1 page.) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: May 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/ActivityNodes18May2006.pdf
The proposed the ten-year City of Hartford Capital Improvement Plan is presented in to parts: a budget and a description. Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/wsd_032309.asp
A map of Hartford showing the locations of development projects completed from 1999 to 2006. (PDF document, 1 page.) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: May 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Completed2006.pdf
A map of Hartford showing the locations of proposed development project, both public and private as of May 2006. (PDF document, 1 page.) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: May 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Metro_Hartford_Alliance_Proposed_20061.pdf
A map of Hartford showing the locations of streetscape projects as of May 2006. (PDF document, 1 page.) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: May 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Streetscapes52006.pdf
A map of Hartford showing the transportation routes - roads, highways, railroads, streets. (PDF document, 1 page.) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: May 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/CityOfHtfdTransportationMay2006.pdf
This report provides a close look at what we want children to know and be able to do as young readers and as members of Connecticut�s future workforce. In order to close the gap, state policymakers, school administrators, teachers, and parents must work together to implement coherent educational policies and practices. (PDF document, 32 pages) Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services Connecticut Association for Human Services
; Publication Date: September 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/education/CAHS_ClosingGap.pdf
This study describes the Places, People, and Partners associated with the effort to create a National Park in the National Historic Landmark District in Hartford, Connecticut, known as Coltsville. (PDF document, 61 pages) Published by Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation
; Publication Date: December, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/history/Coltsville_Visitor_Experience_Study.pdf
This thesis, written by Heather Brandon for the Master of Arts in Public Policy, Trinity College, Hartford, suggests various organizational models for the redevelopment of the former Swift factory, a vacant building on 2.6 acres in the Northeast Hartford neighborhood . (PDF document, 73 pages) Published by Trinity College, Hartford, CT Trinity College, Hartford, CT
; Publication Date: May 2011
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Heather_Brandon_thesis.pdf
In this report, economists from the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis suggests that the reasonably strong national economic growth created by the federal stimulus package is insufficient to generate new jobs in Connecticut through the forecast period, which ends in the second quarter of 2011. (PDF document, 7 pages) Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: August 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Employment/wsd_083109.asp
This edition of the Connecticut Economic Outlook suggests that there is a "no jobs" recovery in sight. The state�s economy has undergone a critical structural change as the degree of outsourcing�whether to other states or abroad�has grown quickly for more than a decade; the result is that even strong growth in total output may not translate into rapid improvement in employment. Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: February 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/wsd_02_2010.asp
In this document, the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) has formulated an economic plan to promote Connecticut�s industries and help workers successfully innovate and compete in the global economy. Published by Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development
; Publication Date: September 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_102809.asp
Ebony Horsewomen have proposed the development of an equestrian center at Keney Park in Hartford. Collected here are a variety of documents, plans, and press coverage of the issue. Published by Hartfordinfo.org Hartfordinfo.org
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_ebony_horsewomen.asp
This brief finds that sufficient revenues are essential to Connecticut's economic future, that Connecticut's revenues are low to average and have room to grow, that tax cuts funded by a temporary surplus should be rejected, and that tax changes should be evaluated in accordance with National Conference of State Legislature principles for a high quality revenue system. (PDF file, 2 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: February 8, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/fiscal_facts_06.pdf
State Treasurer Denise L. Nappier has proposed the establishment of a $100 million Housing Trust Fund for Economic Growth & Opportunity that could result in an additional $1.4 billion in private sector and public funds devoted to creating additional housing throughout the state over the next 10 years. Published by Office of the State of Connecticut Treasurer Office of the State of Connecticut Treasurer
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/Housing/wsd_2005_b.asp
This presentation summarizes the missions and strategies of Connecticut Insurance & Financial Services Cluster, which seeks to build a collaboration of business, educational, and governmental agencies to enhance the competitive strength of Connecticut insurance and financial companies. (PDF file, 13 pages) Published by Connecticut Insurance and Financial Services Cluster Connecticut Insurance and Financial Services Cluster
; Publication Date: October 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/IFS_cluster.pdf
Connecticut Metropatterns contains the analysis and policy recommendations of Myron Orfield and the Metropolitan Area Research Corporation (MARC). Sponsored by the CenterEdge Coalition. (PDF file, 52 pages) Published by Metropolitan Area Research Corporation Metropolitan Area Research Corporation
; Publication Date: 2003
Link: /issues/wsd/SmartGrowth/CT_Metropatterns_English.pdf
Connecticut Metropatterns contains the analysis and policy recommendations of Myron Orfield and the Metropolitan Area Research Corporation (MARC). Sponsored by the CenterEdge Coalition. (PDF file, 52 pages) Published by Metropolitan Area Research Corporation Metropolitan Area Research Corporation
; Publication Date: 2003
Link: /issues/wsd/SmartGrowth/CT_Metropatterns_Spanish.pdf
This report compiles the responses so far to a CCM survey in which municipalities were asked for projects that are �ready-to-go� but, because of a lack of funding, are unable to move forward. The projects on this list include a wide range of infrastructure projects that will benefit our state -- from road and bridge projects to mass transit to fiber optic/broadband. (PDF Document, 22 pages) Published by Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
; Publication Date: December 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/ready_to_go.pdf
This study is part of an ongoing effort to quantify the impact of the insurance industry on the economy and, ultimately, on the quality of life in the state of Connecticut by Insure Connecticut's Future and the Connecticut Insurance and Financial Services Cluster. (PDF file, 48 pages) Published by Connecticut Economic Resource Center Connecticut Economic Resource Center
; Publication Date: December 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/IFS_Impact_Study_12-06.pdf
This report examines the important role Connecticut community colleges play in preparing adult workers for the jobs of the future. It asserts that to stay competitive with other states and other countries, Connecticut�s academic vision must encompass working adults who need basic education, skills upgrading, or an Associate�s degree to improve their ability to meet the demands of a skilled workforce. (PDF document, 44 pages) Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services Connecticut Association for Human Services
; Publication Date: September 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Education/CTsChallenge.pdf
The purpose of Connecting the Dots is to illustrate the interconnection among working families, Connecticut�s
prosperity, and the state�s economic future. It is also a call for new ideas and policies which foster that interconnection
and support the interests of all sectors of society. The key points include the following: To ensure the state�s long-term economic health, Connecticut leaders must address an array of issues that traditionally have not been directly associated with the economy. To solve Connecticut�s economic, workforce, and social problems, stakeholders from business, labor, nonprofits, municipal and state government, philanthropy, faith-based organizations, academia, and communities must be at the planning table. To guarantee success, poverty reduction and revitalization of core cities must be components of our economic development plan. (PDF document, 56 pages) Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services Connecticut Association for Human Services
; Publication Date: December 31, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/2007KCReportConnectingtheDots.pdf
This report by Capital Workforce Partners summarizes the current and potential construction activity in North Central Connecticut. (PDF document, 349 pages) Published by Capital Workforce Partners Capital Workforce Partners
; Publication Date: September 2011
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/1109ConstructionReportFinal.pdf
A newsletter from Councilman Matthew Ritter, highlighting his activities in Hartford, and including his own "State of the City" statement. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by Councilman Matthew Ritter Councilman Matthew Ritter
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/MR_newsletter6.pdf
1000 Friends of Connecticut, a statewide smart growth education and advocacy organization, has developed a proposal to promote responsible growth. Connecticut�s existing land use patterns and fiscal policy are inextricably linked and must be addressed in concert to preserve and enhance our economic viability and quality of life. 1OOO Friends of Connecticut�s goal is the adoption of two distinguishable, but connected, policy streams: 1) Give towns incentives to encourage smart growth. 2) Reduce reliance on the property tax. (PDF file, 33 pages) Published by 1000 Friends of Connecticut 1000 Friends of Connecticut
; Publication Date: March 5, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/One_Thousand_Friends.pdf
A map of Hartford showing the locations of development projects approved or under construction as of May 2006. (PDF document, 1 page) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division City of Hartford, Development Services Department, Planning Division
; Publication Date: May 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Alliance_Approved_UC_2006.pdf
A video of the October 17, 2009 community program, Dialog on Health Care Reform, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: October 17, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_10_17_2009.asp
The Action Strategy is a set of actions to be implemented in downtown Hartford. It is a MetroHartford Millennium Project led by the Hartford Downtown Council in partnership with the City of Hartford and the Connecticut Capitol Region Growth Council. The focus of the Action Strategy is one of action -- short, medium and long term. (The Greenberg Report) PDF document -- 125 pages -- 35 mb, or view chapters; Published by Urban Strategies, Inc. Urban Strategies, Inc.
; Publication Date: December 1998
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/default.asp
Related Link(s):
Metro Hartford Alliance
This report provides information about the current state of the downtown Hartford retail market. This report is the first of what will be bi-annual reports that will help guide discussion and decisions regarding retail needs and opportunities. The Hartford Economic Development Division staff collected the information from City assessment records, property owners, tenants, real estate brokers and general observation. (PDF document, 10 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: July 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/DowntownRetailRealEstate.pdf
This study explores a broad range of replacement options for the I-84 Aetna Viaduct. It is the result of a collaborative planning effort involving the City of Hartford, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) and the Capital Region Council of Governments (CRCOG). (PDF document, 54 pages) Published by Capitol Region Council of Governments Capitol Region Council of Governments
; Publication Date: September 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Transportation/i-84_DraftReport.pdf
This quarterly forecast from the Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis (CCEA) concludes that there is currently little prospect for a robust recovery in Connecticut�s economy. State aggregate income will remain essentially flat while employment, despite very modest gains the past four months, will likely contract in the months ahead. There are no policy initiatives likely to drive a strong short-term recovery. However, Connecticut has at hand a powerful tool to drive short-term recovery in jobs and income�more than $1 billion in earned research and development tax credits that could be translated into capital investments, creating more than 4 million square feet of new advanced manufacturing, pharmaceutical, bioscience, and research space, creating nearly 40,000 new high-wage jobs. (PDF document, 17 pages) Published by Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: May 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/CT-Outlook-May-2010.pdf
This site contains economic development data and information for Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, including demographics, labor force and average wage data for towns, localities, MSA's counties and regions.. Published by CERC CERC
; Publication Date: 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/Region/wsd_2005.asp
Dating from 1999, this report is an independent analysis of the effects of revaluation of property in the City of Hartford, Connecticut. Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: December 1, 1999
Link: /issues/wsd/taxes/EconEffectsofRevaluation.pdf
This document presents plans for the restoration of a city block running along Park Street by the Broad-Park Development Corporation. El Centro Cultural Community Investment Revitalization Project aims to revive, restore and transform the economic and social environment of the Frog Hollow neighborhood of Hartford (the center of the region's Latino culture) through the restoration, adaptive re-use, modernization and reconstruction of the south side of an entire city block along Park Street, the vital commercial artery running through and serving the neighborhood. Published by Park-Broad Development Corporation Park-Broad Development Corporation
; Publication Date: September 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/neighborhoods/elcentrocultural.pdf
�sta nueva gu�a de Hartford se enfoca en crear ventajas, educaci�n, cr�dito, mantenimiento de dinero y planificaci�n. (PDF file, 40 pages) Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc. Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc.
; Publication Date: November 1, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/FamiliesandChildren/2006HartfordFES_Span.pdf
Based on feedback from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) campaign members and analysis of tax data and information sheet data, it was determined that a successful coalition was built this year. Considerations for 2006 VITA Campaign include partnering with already existent VITA sites, broadening outreach with new partners, and building relationships with more city and state agencies. (PDF file, 55 pages) Published by Connecticut Policy and Economic Council Connecticut Policy and Economic Council
; Publication Date: August 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/2005VITA.pdf
Related Link(s):
Hartford Making Connections
The evaluation includes an analysis of tax return data, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site intake and exit surveys, follow-up questionnaires from VITA volunteers, interviews with VITA site coordinators, Neighborhood Ambassadors and the Executive Director. Among other findings, it was determined that while the number of filers has increased significantly over the three years of VITA operations, the number of filers claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has not significantly exceeded the city average. In order to reach low income families more strategic outreach needs to occur. (PDF file, 40 pages) Published by Connecticut Policy and Economic Council Connecticut Policy and Economic Council
; Publication Date: August 2004
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/2004EITC.pdf
Related Link(s):
Hartford Making Connections
While Connecticut ranks among the top states on measures on net family worth and educational achievement, disparities in family assets on the basis of race, income, and gender threaten Connecticut's economic strength and quality of life, according to this report. The report, developed in partnership with CFED, a national organization that works to expand economic opportunites, ranks Connecticut against other states in its performance on 31 asset measures in the areas of financial security, business development, homeownership, health care, and education. (PDF File, 36 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: May 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/familiesandchildren/econ05assets05.pdf
The Farmington Avenue Commercial Revitalization Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) convened in Hartford, Connecticut in October 2012, bringing together stakeholders, City planners, community leaders, and a panel of real estate, planning, and development professionals for a day-long session focused on identifying opportunities and strategies for revitalizing the commercial areas on the Farmington Avenue corridor. This report details their recommendations. (PDF document, 16 pages) Published by Urban Land Institute Urban Land Institute
; Publication Date: October 4, 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/Hartford _TAP_Final_Report.pdf
The Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century has been tracking the state�s continuing battle to wrestle with the growing fiscal and economic crisis. In this, the 4th part of the series, the focus is on the delivery of public services. The continuing economic downturn creates increased need for public services while sharply reducing state revenues. (PDF document, 8 pages) Published by Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century
; Publication Date: 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/Framwork_for_CT_Fiscal_Future_Part_4.pdf
Over the past three years, local and regional governments along the Connecticut River Valley Corridor have come together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. They have worked with ICLEI � Local Governments for Sustainability, an international association of local governments, to put together a vision and five-year plan. Phase 1 of the project yielded general recommendations for the Corridor, the first document listed below. The second document listed below is a more detailed plan for the future. Published by ICLEI � Local Governments for Sustainability ICLEI � Local Governments for Sustainability
; Publication Date: September 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Transportation/wsd_093008.asp
This paper presents some personal thoughts of the author, Anton Rick-Ossen, about the Hartford bus system. Mr. Rick-Ossen makes extensive use of the CT Transit system. For this paper, he also conducted a survey and interviewed local CT Transit and Department of Public Works officials. (PDF document, 25 pages) Published by Anton Rick-Ossen Anton Rick-Ossen
; Publication Date: June 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Transportation/Get_on_the_bus.pdf
An analysis of international commercial air travel passenger levels within the United States� global aviation network reveals that International air travel in and out of the United States more than doubled between 1990 and 2011, however in the Hartford area, it has dropped by 20%. (PDF document, 28 pages) Published by Brookings Brookings
; Publication Date: October 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Transportation/global_aviation.pdf
Governor M. Jodi Rell recently announced that Connecticut�s insurance and financial services industry will get a boost from a federal grant which targets training for key occupations to ensure that supply meets demand. The President�s High-Growth Job Training Initiative awarded $2.748 million to a Connecticut partnership that will create �IFS University� developing a curriculum and training model for the Insurance and Financial Services industry over the next three years. Published by Office of the Governor: M Jodi Rell Office of the Governor: M Jodi Rell
; Publication Date: July 18, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_071806.asp
A website which provides information about Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for each of the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in the United States. Published by Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/gdpmetro.asp
Rapid increases in the foreign-born population at the state level are not associated with negative effects on the employment of native-born workers. An analysis of the relationship between growth in the foreign-born population and the employment outcomes of native-born workers revealed wide variations but no consistent pattern across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. (PDF file, 56 pages) Published by Pew Hispanic Center Pew Hispanic Center
; Publication Date: August 10, 2006
Link: /Issues/wsd/Immigrants/wsd_081006.asp
The MetroHartford Alliance proposes to support the City�s Department of Development Services Division of Planning by developing, with the City, HARTFORD�2010: A Vision and�Action Strategy�(the �Framework�).�The�Framework�will build on the considerable accomplishments of the past five years and be designed specifically to attract additional private investment in the City�through a series of targeted capital investments.� Published by MethroHartford Alliance MethroHartford Alliance
Link: /harford2010/default.asp
To build on the work accomplished in the Hartford 2010 Report by Ken Greenberg, Trident Implementation Committee and six Trident Steering Committees, were charged to further refine and prioritize the Hartford 2010 recommendations and provide input, feedback and recommendations. This report compiles the work of these various committees. (PDF document, 34 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: September 2009
Link: /hartford2010/docs/H2010_Final_Report.pdf
Related Link(s):
City of Hartford, Development Services
A video of the June 5, 2007, Hartford 2010 Press Conference, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: June 5, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_06_05_2007.asp
The Hartford 2010 final report, developed by the City of Hartford and the MetroHartford Alliance, identified six "tridents" (major intersections) in the city that would provide excellent locations to focus on for development. The report suggested that each of the tridents in Hartford be explored by a subcommittee, charged with making recommendations for changes in the land use, zoning, transportation infrastructure, streetscape improvements, and other aspects of the intersections. Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: January 2009
Link: /Issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_012309.asp
The City of Hartford and the MetroHartford Alliance are developing a strategic framework called Hartford 2010 that will build on the accomplishments of the past five years in revitalizing Hartford. Urban Designer, Ken Greenberg is leading a Consultant team that is assisting the City and the Alliance in this effort. Hartford 2010, begun in May, will be several months in duration and will reflect the community�s vision for a dynamic, livable, healthy, and economically vibrant city. As part of Phase I of the project, three public meetings were held to describe Hartford 2010 and to solicit input from Hartford stakeholders. This is the presentation made at the meeting. Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: July 11, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/region/july11presentation.asp
Related Link(s):
Hartford 2010
The City of Hartford and the MetroHartford Alliance are developing a strategic framework called Hartford 2010 that will build on the accomplishments of the past five years in revitalizing Hartford. Urban Designer, Ken Greenberg is leading a Consultant team that is assisting the City and the Alliance in this effort. Hartford 2010, begun in May 2006, will reflect the community�s vision for a dynamic, livable, healthy, and economically vibrant city. As part of Phase II of the project, several public meetings were held to describe Hartford 2010 and to report on the strategic framework to Hartford stakeholders. This is the presentation made at the meeting. Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: January 22, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Region/wsd_012307.asp
Related Link(s):
Hartford 2010
The final report of the joint effort of the MetroHartford Alliance and the City of Hartford in developing a strategic framework to build on the accomplishments of the past five years in revitalizing Hartford. Urban Designer, Ken Greenberg lead a Consultant team that assisted the City and the Alliance in this effort. Hartford 2010, reflects the community�s vision for a dynamic, livable, healthy, and economically vibrant city. (PDF document, 26 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: July 15, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Hartford-2010FinalReport.pdf
Related Link(s):
City of Hartford, Development Services
A video recording of the July 11, 2006 community program, Hartford 2010: Ken Greenberg's Presentation: Public Meeting, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: July 11, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_07_11_2006.asp
A video recording of the January 23, 2007 community program, Hartford 2010: Revitalizing Hartford Meeting with Ken Greenberg, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: January 23, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_01_23_2007.asp
In early October, 2006, property owners in Downtown, Asylum Hill and a portion of Farmington Avenue had a unique opportunity to take control of their own destiny. Property owners voted on a City referendum to establish a business improvement district (BID); a logical next step in Hartford�s revitalization. Widely credited with transforming commercial districts in other cities, BIDs have become important economic engines in hundreds of cities across the country. The BID model empowers property owners by placing control of the district�s affairs in the owner�s hands. Property owners develop a vision for their district and manage programs that help it succeed. The goal of the proposed Hartford BID is a safe, clean, well-managed district that can successfully compete as an attractive location for business, tourism, entertainment and dining, shopping and living. Published by Hartford Business Improvement District Hartford Business Improvement District
Link: /issues/wsd/DowntownDevelopment/wsd_101106.asp
A study by American City Business Journals says that Hartford has more socioeconomic stress than other large U.S. cities. The rating is based on a seven-part formula to rate socioeconomic stress, using raw data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau. Cities that scored well were suburbs of larger urban cities like Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles. Published by bizjournals bizjournals
; Publication Date: February 14, 2005
Link: /Issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_021405.asp
A Powerpoint presentation which summarizes the findings of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), in conjunction with MetroHartford Alliance and the City of Hartford, focusing on the development of Asylum Hill, Downtown, and Northeast neighborhoods. (Powerpoint presentation, 60 slides) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: September 23, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Hartford.ppt
In this Urban Land Institute Advisory Services Panel Report, the ULI makes recommendations for developing Hartford. Among other suggestions is the development of the northern gateway to downtown Hartford as a linear park. (PDF document, 43 pages) Published by Urban Land Institute Urban Land Institute
; Publication Date: September 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/ULI07.pdf
A report prepared for Mayor Eddie Perez on the feasibility of building an arena of approximately 800,000 square feet in size. Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: 2007
Link: /Issues/wsd/DowntownDevelopment/arena_study.asp
Hartford has only one full-service supermarket. This page collects information about food access in Hartford including information that may lead to the development of a second supermarket. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: March 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/food_access.asp
A video of the April 24, 2008 community program, Hartford in the Global Economy: Can We Compete for Jobs, Talent, and Capital?, which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: April 24, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_24_2008.asp
The first and second sets of recommendations of the Hartford Property Tax Reform Task Force, preceded by a letter from the Chairman of the Task Force. Recommendations include a continued phase-down of the business surcharge and an overall reduction of the subsidy provided by business; protection of Hartford�s small homeowner class; the equal tax treatment of all classes of property used for profit-making purposes; and a concern for the well-being of renters. These recommendations are for legislative action in the coming session of the State of Connecticut General Assembly. The Task Force will provide additional recommendations for action by the city government in early 2008. (PDF document, 15 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: December 31, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Taxes/Wareing_letter.pdf
The newly formed Hartford Small Business Alliance presents its proposals for equitably distributing the tax increases that are the result of the recent state-mandated property revaluation. Their proposal would be applied to all small businesses in the city and would apply tax equalization formula capping tax increases at 15%, in contrast to the city-proposed phase in. The proposal also calls for an independent and transparent study committee. (PDF document, 9 pages) Published by Hartford Small Business Alliance Hartford Small Business Alliance
; Publication Date: June 18, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/HSBA_tax_presentation.pdf
A video of the April 18, 2007 community program, Hartford's Next Generation of Development: Bullish, Bubble, or Bust?, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: April 18, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_18_2007.asp
A presentation on the findings of the Hartford�s Options for Tomorrow (HOT) Revenue Enhancement Study. The goal was to convene stakeholders to identify innovative strategies to generate revenue to support human services in Hartford. Suggestions include maximizing federal grant-seeking, leveraging the City of Hartford pension funds, and promoting regional solutions. Published by Hartford Options for Tomorrow Hartford Options for Tomorrow
; Publication Date: September 25, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/HOT.pdf
A presentation by John Shemo, VP of Economic Development at MetroHartford Alliance evaluating Hartford's place in the global economy and presenting strategic objectives for ensuring a prosperous future for the Greater Hartford region. (PDF document, 38 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: March 7, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/GlobalEconomy.pdf
A two-page summary of statistics about Hartford, its economy and its people. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by Connecticut Economic Resource Center Connecticut Economic Resource Center
; Publication Date: January 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/hartford_profile.pdf
The website of the Hartford-Springfield Economic Partnership describes the partnership and the resources and strengths of this region. Greater Hartford and Greater Springfield together form an economic powerhouse. Only 25 miles apart, the two cities anchor a combined region that constitutes the second largest population, education and economic center in New England. Published by The Hartford-Springfield Economic Partnership The Hartford-Springfield Economic Partnership
Link: /Issues/wsd/Region/htfd_springfield.asp
A video of an interview with David Panagore, City of Hartford Director of Development Services, held on January 22, 2009 and the November 19, 2008 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Where There's Crisis There's Opportunity: The Impact of the Current Financial Climate on Hartford and the Region, which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: November 19, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_11_19_2008.asp
A video of the December 8, 2010 community program, HartfordInfo Today: 2011 - A Really Big Year for Hartford, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: December 8, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_12_08_2010.asp
A video of the September 15, 2010 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Can Hartford Once Again Become a Center for Innovation & Technology?, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: September 15, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_09_15_2010.asp
A video of the February 16, 2010 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Economic Recovery: Creating Jobs in Hartford and the Region, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: February 16, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_02_16_2010.asp
A video and an audio recording of the November 8, 2006 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Insurance for the Future: Building Tomorrow's Workforce, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: November 8, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_11_08_2006.asp
A video recording of the April 15, 2009 community program, HartfordInfo Today: Revitalizing Hartford: Will A Green Strategy Help?, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: April 15, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_15_2009.asp
A video of the April 23, 2009 community program, HartfordInfo Today: The Foreclosure Crisis: What Does It Mean for Hartford and the Region, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: April 23, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_23_2009.asp
This report from the Connecticut Departments of Labor and Higher Education is a comprehensive report on the employment of graduates of the State�s public college system. The report summarizes the employment and compensation experience of students who graduated from the 18 public colleges during the 2007 school year. The report also provides a detailed summary of graduate employment by industry sector and college degree program for the state as a whole, for each system of education and for each individual institution. This year for the first time the report also includes a matrix of employed graduates by program of study and industry sector. (PDF document, 117 pages) Published by State of Connecticut, Departments of Higher Education and Labor State of Connecticut, Departments of Higher Education and Labor
Link: /issues/wsd/Education/HigherEdReport_2006-07grads.pdf
Related Link(s):
State of Connecticut Department of Labor
This volume of Connecticut Economic Outlook, suggests that if the Federal and international stimulus initiatives do not take hold by the end of 2009, Connecticut may see a deepening recession with job losses hitting 110,000 or more by 2011, with no end in sight. The result of the capital market crisis and serious losses in exports, the hole would be deep indeed. But if domestic and international stimulus packages take hold, generating a stronger national recovery, Connecticut employment losses would reach only 100,000 in mid-2010, then begin to recover. (PDF document, 5 pages) Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: May 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/CTOutlook_2009May.pdf
In late October, 2008, the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy asked its members to complete a survey on the effects of the current economy on the philanthropic and nonprofit sector. This document summarizes regional funders� views. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by Connecticut Council for Philanthropy Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
; Publication Date: January 15, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/2008_Economic_Impact_Survey_Summary.pdf
More than half (55%) of all adults in the labor force say that since the Great Recession began 30 months ago, they have suffered a spell of unemployment, a cut in pay, a reduction in hours or have become involuntary part-time workers, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center�s Social & Demographic Trends Project. (PDF document, 120 pages) Published by Pew Research Center, Social and Demographic Trends Project Pew Research Center, Social and Demographic Trends Project
; Publication Date: June 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/pew_report_recession.pdf
A video of the February 13, 2009 community program, How the Nonprofit Community Can Take the Lead in Addressing Basic Human Needs, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: February 13, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_02_13_2009.asp
A video of the March 25, 2010 community program, I-84 Viaduct Study, Public Workshop #2, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: March 25, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_03_25_2010.asp
This short analysis provides data on immigrants in the labor force at the current time of slowed immigration, high unemployment, and low job growth and highlights eight industries where immigrants are especially vital. How large a share of the labor force are they and how does that vary by particular industry? How do immigrants compare to native-born workers in their educational attainment and occupational profiles? This analysis puts a spotlight on immigrant workers to examine their basic trends in the labor force and how these workers fit into specific industries and occupations of interest. (PDF document, 18 pages) Published by Brookings Brookings
; Publication Date: March 15, 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Immigrants/immigrant_workers_singer.pdf
The iQuilt plan is downtown Hartford�s exciting urban design strategy for walkability and creative placemaking. It capitalizes on two of Hartford�s greatest strengths: its extraordinary concentration of arts, cultural and landscape assets and its exceptionally compact downtown. The cultural assets are physically close, but the pedestrian links between them are often weak. The iQuilt Plan strengthens those links. It offers an array of physical and programmatic improvements to the pedestrian network of public space � parks, plazas, streets, and sidewalks. (PDF document, 63 pages) Published by iQuilt Partnership iQuilt Partnership
; Publication Date: January 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/downtowndevelopment/iQuilt_Overview.pdf
A video of the March 2, 2010 community program, Jobs in the City of Hartford: Hartford Planning and Economic Development Committee Meeting, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: March 2, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_03_02_2010.asp
Ken Greenberg gave this presentation at the MetroHartford Alliance Rising Star Breakfast, outlining his vision for integrated urban design strategies for Hartford, Hartford 2010. (PDF file, 57 pages, 12 MB) Published by Greenberg Consultants, Inc. Greenberg Consultants, Inc.
; Publication Date: May 9, 2006
Link: /Issues/wsd/DowntownDevelopment/HartfordRisingStarMay_9_061.pdf
New Labor Statistics: 45% of American Private Sector Workers Get Employment-Based Health Benefits; Down 63%; Published by U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Link: http://www.hartfordinfo.org/Issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/laborstatistics.asp
Connecticut's fast-growing Latino community has suffered tremendously during the economic downturn. That certainly is not a surprise. However, the full dimension of the impact, affecting virtually every aspect of daily life, is quite alarming. New survey data demonstrates the full extent of the crisis, in the voices of people who are navigating tough times and dealing with extensive and pervasive damage to their quality of life. (PDF document, 46 pages) Published by Center for Research & Public Policy and The Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission Center for Research & Public Policy and The Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission
; Publication Date: April 18, 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/People/LatinoSocioEconomicStudy.pdf
This report finds that large segments of the US population live on incomes that fail to provide even basic economic security. (PDF document, 15 pages) Published by Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW)
; Publication Date: December 2011
Link: /issues/wsd/familiesandchildren/Living_Below_the_Line.pdf
With the slight resurgence of U.S. manufacturing in the recent years, it is important to consider not just the future of manufacturing in America but also its geography. Geographic considerations are, in fact, central to whether the slow growth of U.S. manufacturing jobs during the last two years signals a renaissance of American manufacturing or merely a temporary respite from long-term decline. (PDF document, 60 pages) Published by Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program
; Publication Date: April 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Locating_american_manufacturing_report.pdf
The Urban Libraries Council commissioned this study to look at how public libraries contribute to the human dimension of economic development. In the process, researchers also uncovered more evidence of the important contributions public libraries make to strengthening places and community quality of life. This report indicates that public libraries, including the Hartford Public Library, today are deeply involved with people, technology, and quality of life. Nearly every one of these locally-funded organizations offers collections and programs that support early literacy, workforce readiness and small businesses. As such, they are an important and dynamic part of the community�s learning infrastructure which supports local economic development. (PDF document, 35 pages) Published by Urban Libraries Council Urban Libraries Council
; Publication Date: January 1, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/making_cities_stronger.pdf
Mayor Pedro E. Segarra unveiled both an immediate and long-term vision to grow Hartford, create jobs, and embrace a more positive and productive future. In his speech, the Mayor made several major announcements and emphasized collaboration and creative thinking in order to move the City forward. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: January 11, 2011
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/SegarraRisingStarBreakfastSpeech.pdf
In 2001 Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez formed a broadly representative task force of community leaders to develop an action plan to build a well-educated and highly skilled workforce by focusing on 18-14 year olds who are not in school or gainfully employed. This Final Report presents twelve recommendations in five categories. The Report is supported by the research, analysis and technical support of the Capital Region Workforce Development Board, the Hartford Department of Human Services, and the United Way of the Capital Area. Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: February 3, 2003
Link: /issues/wsd/workforce/default.asp
Related Link(s):
Capital Region Workforce Development Board
United Way of Capital Area
A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Spring 2006 issue includes updates on the "Clean Sweep Avenue" campaign to clean up the city, the opening of neighborhood businesses, such as the Save-a-Lot Grocery in the Clay Arsenal neighborhood, and the opening of a Citizen's Bank branch. (PDF document, six pages) Published by The City of Hartford The City of Hartford
; Publication Date: Spring 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/government/MayorsUpdateSpring06.pdf
A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Spring/Summer 2009 issue includes updates on Open Choice at the Hartford Public Schools, enforcement of the noise ordinance, and the arts and heritage grant (PDF document, 5 pages) Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: June 1, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/Mayors_Update_Spring_09.pdf
A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Winter 2007 issue includes updates on economic development, public safety, jobs developed through Minority-Women Business Enterprises, property taxes, education and more. (PDF document, five pages) Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: January 1, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/government/MayorsUpdateWntr07.pdf
A quarterly publication designed to share Mayor Perez's primary goals, objectives and accomplishments. The Winter 2008 issue includes updates on public safety and crime, Hartford neighborhood development, the mayor�s health insurance task force, the re-opening of the Hartford Public Library, and Coltsville�s designation as a National Historic Landmark. (PDF document, 6 pages) Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: January 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/MayorsUpdateWinter08.pdf
Connecticut is facing unprecedented financial challenges in residents� homes, in places of employment, and in State and municipal governments. The business community, the principal source of Connecticut employment and tax revenues, is eager to work with the Governor and the Legislature to address this extraordinary and difficult situation, and presents these suggestions in their June 12, 2009 position paper. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: June 12, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Budget_Position_Paper.pdf
This Regional Assessment is the first part of the development of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) being developed for MetroHartford Alliance. It includes an analysis of the region's strengths and weaknesses, and identifies the issues in the areas of business climate, workforce and education, sites and infrastructure, quality of life, and economic development and marketing. (PDF file, 79 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: August 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Regional_Assessment.pdf
An analysis of Metro Hartford�s economic base to determine which industry sectors currently drive growth in the area. National, and global market and business trends provide the background for recommendations for future target industries that may produce economic prosperity and sustainable growth. ( PDF file, 48 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: October 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Target_Industry_Report.pdf
A presentation of the summary findings of the Target Industry Analysis prepared for the MetroHartford Alliance. Specific niche industries are identified as opportunities for growth. These include security and defense manufacturing, financial services, biotechnology logistics distribution, clean energy, and health services. (PDF file, 57 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: October 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Target_Industry_Presentation.pdf
This profile tracks recent economic performance in the Hartford metropolitan area compared to America�s 100 largest metro areas and the nation through the second quarter of 2010. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by Brookings Institution Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: September 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/hartford_ct_metro_profile.pdf
An update on the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) being developed for MetroHartford Alliance. It includes highlights of surveys done with residents, businesses in the areas of business climate, workforce and education, sites and infrastructure, quality of life, and economic development and marketing. (PDF file, 27 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: October 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Project_Update.pdf
This Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is the culmination of a six-month
planning process for the Metro Hartford region. It provides the Metro Hartford region recommendations for improving its business climate, its education, and workforce development systems, its quality of life, its sites and infrastructure, and its economic development and marketing efforts. (PDF file, 82 pages) Published by MetroHartford Alliance MetroHartford Alliance
; Publication Date: April 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/Comp_Econ_Develop_Strategy.pdf
The recession has had highly varied impacts on different metropolitan areas, even within the same broad regions of the country. The Hartford region has faired better than most in many ways. (PDF document, 21 pages) Published by The Brookings Institution The Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: June 1, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/06_metromonitor.pdf
The recession has had highly varied impacts on different metropolitan areas, even within the same broad regions of the country. The Hartford region had a difficult third quarter due partly to recent declines in government employment. (PDF document, 22 pages) Published by The Brookings Institution The Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: December 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/2009_12_metro_monitor.pdf
The recovery seems to be running out of steam, but it is highly varied in different metropolitan areas, even within the same broad regions of the country. The Hartford region saw job losses in the 2nd quarter of 2010, and an increase in Real-Estate Owned properties. (PDF document, 26 pages) Published by The Brookings Institution The Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: September 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/2010_09_metro_monitor.pdf
A huge escalation in Connecticut housing prices since 2000 � four times the growth in personal income � has pushed affordable homeownership and rental housing beyond the reach of many working families and individuals, says a new statewide study released recently. High housing prices threaten the state�s economy and must be addressed quickly, says business economist Donald Klepper-Smith, who conducted the econometric study commissioned by The Partnership for Strong Communities, a statewide housing policy organization. (PDF file, 94 pages). Published by Partnership for Strong Communities Partnership for Strong Communities
; Publication Date: October 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/housing/affordable_housing_ct.pdf
This study tracked five cohorts of Connecticut 10th grade students taking the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) between 1996 and 2000 over as many as 8 � years beyond high school. It followed these students through their college experiences and/or into the labor force to study and documents the many elements of their success critical to preparation for entry into a skillful workforce. (PDF document, 135 pages) Published by University of Connecticut, Department of Economics and Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis University of Connecticut, Department of Economics and Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: April 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Education/NextSteps.pdf
This study, a pdf version of the PowerPoint presentation made on May 26, 2009, examines mass transit in the area northwest of Hartford. It suggests a busway along the Griffin railroad easement would provide access to Bradley Internation Airport and the Day Hill Road area of Windsor, and it proposes a bus transfer station near Union Station. (PDF document, 38 pages) Published by Capitol Region Council of Governments Capitol Region Council of Governments
Link: /issues/wsd/Transportation/NW_Corridor_Transit_Study.pdf
View the Strategic Plans for the 14 NRZs (Neighborhood Revitalization Zones) of Hartford.
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/nrz_strategic_plans.asp
Related Link(s):
Hartford2000: History
View the updated Strategic Plans for the 14 NRZs (Neighborhood Revitalization Zones) of Hartford.
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/nrz_strategic_plans_2010.asp
Related Link(s):
Hartford2000: History
The first edition of the One City One Plan newsletter focuses on City parks, and grant applications for the Albany Avenue Street Improvement Project, and others. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by City of Hartford, Department of Development Services, Planning Division City of Hartford, Department of Development Services, Planning Division
; Publication Date: August 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/OneCityOnePlanNewsltrAug2010.pdf
A Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) is a guideline for asking the right questions, identifying challenges, determining resolutions and implementing strategies. These documents explains the planning process and the implementation of Hartford's POCD. These drafts are for discussion only and are subject to public participation process. Published by City of Hartford Department of Development Services Planning Division City of Hartford Department of Development Services Planning Division
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/wsd_OCOP.asp
Related Link(s):
One City One Plan
This 1996 document presents a plan for the City of Hartford, aimed at taking it into the 21st century. The document was inspired by a vision of changing Hartford for the better, while maintaining and enhancing its many assets. It includes three components: the housing component, the economics and employment component, and the physical conditions component. (PDF file, 137 pages) Published by Department of Housing and Community Development, City of Hartford Department of Housing and Community Development, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: June 4, 1996
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Plan_Develop.pdf
These drawings show the proposed development of Plaza Mayor, on the corner of Main St and Park St. The plans include 30,000 square feet for retail, 10,000 square feet for a banquet hall, and about 35-45 residential units that will equal about 60,000 square feet of living space. There will also be a public plaza in the center for community gatherings. These plans were presented by the developer, Plaza Mayor, LLC, at public meetings in September and October 2006. Published by City of Hartford City of Hartford
; Publication Date: October 11, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/neighborhoods/plaza_mayor.asp
Plaza Mayor, LLC
Families USA has undertaken the first state-by-state analysis of growing health care premiums versus stagnant earnings over the past six years. Over the past six years (2000 to 2006), family health insurance premiums for Connecticut�s workers rose 5.8 times more quickly than median earnings. On average, family health care premiums rose by 77.0 percent, while median earnings rose by only 13.2 percent. (PDF file, 12 pages) Published by Families USA Families USA
; Publication Date: 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/health/premiums_Paychecks.pdf
This report on rebuilding the New England economy suggests that the most effective options for creating jobs, in the short- and long-term, are investing in infrastructure and building the skills of the current and future workforce. Tax cuts and business subsidies on the other hand, do little to create jobs in the short-run, and are not the most effective approaches to generating growth over the long-term. (PDF document, 42 pages) Published by Political Economy Research Institute Political Economy Research Institute
; Publication Date: August 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/priorities_PERI.pdf
While home to some of the world�s richest individuals, Connecticut has seen working-class wages stagnate, and more of its residents live in poverty today than 50 years ago. (PDF document, pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: November 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Region/econ12pullingapart.pdf
This report suggests that comprehensive immigration reform in the US that legalizes currently unauthorized immigrants and creates flexible legal limits on future immigration in the context of full labor rights would help American workers and the U.S. economy. (PDF document, 28 pages) Published by Center for American Progress Center for American Progress
; Publication Date: January 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/immigrants/raising_the_floor.pdf
Related Link(s):
American Immigration Council
This report takes a look at cities outside the Greater Boston Region and recommends developing strong economic ties with cities like Hartford, where there is a skilled workforce. Inter-state relationships are evident in the healthcare, insurance, catalog and Internet retailing, precision manufacturing, and professional, scientific, and technical services industries. (PDF document, 68 pages) Published by MassINC MassINC
; Publication Date: February 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Region/gateway_cities.pdf
Albany Avenue / Woodland Street Redevelopment Project Plan outlines the steps to revitalize a critical intersection along a major corridor in Hartford. The resulting Town Center will house retail and service businesses, restaurants and shops, providing business opportunities in the Upper Albany neighborhood. (PDF file, 21 pages). Published by Hartford Redevelopment Agency Hartford Redevelopment Agency
; Publication Date: October 13, 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/neighborhoods/AlbanyAveWoodlandSt.pdf
The Constitution Plaza East Project is located at the front door the City�s Downtown near the Connecticut River. This Redevelopment Plan provides for the creation of a signature building or buildings containing a unified, mixed use development with office space, residential units and ground floor retail, all located within high-rise buildings. (PDF document, 33 pages) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services City of Hartford, Development Services
; Publication Date: September 11, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment.ConstitutionPlazaEastRedevelopmentPlan.pdf
This Redevelopment Plan proposes to revitalize a section of Hartford�s Downtown through a series of proposed public and private investments. The Downtown North Project consists of 81 properties in an area generally located to the north of downtown Hartford along the northern side of I-84. (PDF document, 61 pages) Published by City of Hartford, Development Services City of Hartford, Development Services
; Publication Date: September 11, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/DowntownNorthRedevelopmentPlan.pdf
This document reports the results of two empirical studies on the relationships between zoning, the built environment, and crime. A study of the effect of zoning on crime in Los Angeles using 205 blocks selected in eight different relatively high crime neighborhoods that have similar demographic characteristics but different forms of zoned land use. We find that mixed commercial- and residential-zoned areas are associated with lower crime than are commercial-only zoned areas. The results suggest that mixing residential-only zoning into commercial blocks may be a promising means of reducing crime. (PDF document, 58 pages) Published by University of Pennsylvania Law Review University of Pennsylvania Law Review
; Publication Date: March 2013
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/AndersonMacdonaldBluthenthalAshwood161U.Pa.L.Rev.699(2013).pdf
U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao announced a $2,748,405 grant to the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development to help train workers for the financial and insurance services industry. The grant will help to develop a comprehensive course to train students for the financial and insurance services industry. It will help establish Connecticut's first two-year degree program in insurance and financial services. Published by U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Labor
; Publication Date: September 8, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/wsd_090806.asp
This report, an examination of the performance of 302 U.S. cities on eight indicators of economic health and residential well-being, reveals that 65 are lagging behind their peers. Most of these cities�and their larger regions�are older industrial communities that are still struggling to make a successful transition from an economy based on routine manufacturing to one based on more knowledge-oriented activities. Hartford is one of 26 cities that were among the weakest economically in 2000, but did not meet the criteria to be included in 1990. (PDF document, 84 pages) Published by Brookings Institution Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Restoring_Prosperity.pdf
This is a PDF version of a PowerPoint presentation made by Dennis Heffley, an economist from the University of Connecticut, in which he reviews the economic benefits of sharing expenses regionally within Connecticut. (PDF document, 26 pages) Published by University of Connecticut, Department of Economics University of Connecticut, Department of Economics
; Publication Date: April 16, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Region/Regionalism_Heffley.pdf
Covering the years 2003 to 2010 for every county in the United States, this report represents the first study of the U.S. clean economy to provide timely information to inform national, state, and regional leaders on the dynamics of the U.S. green sector. This information is then employed in a discussion of how the nation, the states, and localities and regions might address a number of key policy problems that may be slowing the growth of the clean economy. (PDF document, 68 pages) Published by Brookings Institution Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: 2011
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/0713_clean_economy.pdf
This CCEA Outlook sees a deteriorating state economy, one that will just skirt a formal recession as total output continues to grow at an anemic rate, but it anticipates that the state will suffer modest job loses over the next two years. (PDF file, 6 pages) Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: February 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/CtOutlook_08feb.pdf
This fact sheet is a brief summary of a translation paper on smart growth, part of a series produced by the Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. Published by CenterEdge Project CenterEdge Project
; Publication Date: 2003
Link: /issues/wsd/SmartGrowth/SmartGrowthandJobs.pdf
Related Link(s):
Full text
This web page shows maps of blighted properties in the south end of Hartford. It is a result of a collaboration between Hartford Areas Rally Together (HART), faculty and students at Trinity College, and the Trinfo.Cafe. Currently, HART is working with city officials from the Mayor's Office, Department of Development Services, and Licenses & Inspections to enforce the new blight ordinance, which enforces fines on landlords who fail to properly maintain their property. While detracting from the aesthetic value of Hartford, blighted and abandoned buildings also decrease property values, lure drug dealers and crime, and leave the city without crucial tax income. The purpose of these maps is to link blighted buildings in the south end of Hartford directly to their owners. There are four maps of the four neighborhoods in the south end Hartford: Frog Hollow, Barry Square, Behind the Rocks and South End. Published by Hartford Area Rallys Together Hartford Area Rallys Together
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/HART_problem_properties.asp
Sowing Prosperity: Low-Income Working Families and Connecticut�s Economic Future presents information about low-income workers, highlights the successful policies that are already in place to help them, and describes how we can complete the work that needs to be done. (PDF file, 62 pages). Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS) Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS)
; Publication Date: December 2005
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/sowingprosperity.pdf
Connecticut's nonfarm employment in September 2009 decreased 6,600 jobs from the revised August 2009 figure. On a seasonally adjusted basis, this is a decrease of 76,300 from the September 2008 total. (PDF document, 6 pages) Published by Connecticut Department of Labor Connecticut Department of Labor
; Publication Date: October 20, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Employment/LaborSituation_0909.pdf
Mayor Eddie Perez addresses the City Council, reviewing progress of efforts to improve education, crime incidence, neighborhood and economic development, and homeownership. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/stateofcity09.pdf
Mayor Eddie Perez addresses the City Council, reviewing progress of efforts in five areas: economic development and coping with the recession, workforce development, education, neighborhoods, and energy conservation and single-stream recycling. (PDF document, 4 pages) Published by Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford Office of the Mayor, City of Hartford
; Publication Date: March 8, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/stateofthecity2010.pdf
Mayor Pedro Segarra addresses the City Council, reviewing progress of efforts to ensure accountability of city government, safeguard the health of residents, create jobs and improve education, and expand local businesses. (PDF document, 7 pages) Published by City of Hartford, Office of the Mayor City of Hartford, Office of the Mayor
; Publication Date: March 14, 2011
Link: /issues/wsd/Government/State_of_the_city_2011.pdf
This document offers a snapshot of the state of the workforce in North Central Connecticut in 2007, and the challenges and solutions to increase workforce participation rates, transition lower-skilled workers to higher skills, and match future workforce talent to employers' needs. (PDF document, 8 pages) Published by Capital Workforce Partners Capital Workforce Partners
; Publication Date: September 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/employment/StateWorkforce-9-27-07.pdf
This report evaluates the ability of Connecticut�s workforce to meet new challenges to its economic competitiveness and quality of life. The foreign competition in lower cost manufacturing is being intensified by a far more serious threat�competition for skilled workers and technology know-how reaching nearly every industry and business function. The bar for performance is being raised. The ultimate competition is now for talent able to meet high levels of productivity and advance innovative new products and markets. (PDF document, 16 pages) Published by Battelle Memorial Institute Battelle Memorial Institute
; Publication Date: February 28, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/2007KeepingCTCompetitive.pdf
Related Link(s):
Connecticut Office for Workforce Competitiveness
A video and an audio recording of the November 2, 2006 community program, The Clean Water Project, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: November 2, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_11_02_2006.asp
To find out what would make Connecticut a compelling place for fast-growing technology companies, starting in June 2010 the Connecticut Technology Council interviewed a cross-section of Connecticut�s fastest growing and strongest enterprises in most technology clusters, from start-ups to established titans. They also assembled a team of business leaders and graduate students, predominantly from Yale and University of Connecticut, to research issues brought up by the CEOs and to review past reports and analyses of states� competiveness. What they found was surprising. Today�s most successful entrepreneurs and managers have a common and surprisingly consistent view-the state is not on their innovation and growth wave length. (PDF document, 25 pages) Published by Connecticut Technology Council Connecticut Technology Council
; Publication Date: December 17, 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/CT_Tech_Council_Report.pdf
This report demonstrates that fully reporting utility payment data to nationwide credit bureaus presents few risks to low-income consumers because far more low-income consumers witness credit score increases than decreases with full utility credit reporting. (PDF document, 20 pages) Published by Policy & Economic Research Council Policy & Economic Research Council
; Publication Date: August 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/FamiliesandChildren/relay.pdf
Analyzes the impact of six projects related to Adriaen's Landing: Marriott Hotel, retail and entertainment spaces, Class A office space, residential housing, parking garages and infrastructure improvements. (PDF Document, 39 pages) Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut
; Publication Date: February 24, 2000
Link: /issues/wsd/downtowndevelopment/adriaen_landing_complementary_components_final_report.pdf
In 2012, the impact on Connecticut�s economy due to recycling activity, is estimated to be over $746 million. Over seven years, from 2006 through 2012, this impact is estimated to be nearly $5.17 billion. (PDF document, 16 pages) Published by Connecticut Economic Resource Center Connecticut Economic Resource Center
; Publication Date: November 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Environment/CERC_recycling_economic_impact_study_executive_summary_11-27-2012.pdf
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., announced in this press release from December 2007 that it intends to purchase the property of 140 Garden Street and parcels of Fraser Place in Hartford. The 16 acres of property are adjacent to The Hartford's current headquarters on Asylum Avenue. The property purchase will expand the company's footprint in the Asylum Hill neighborhood. The Hartford does not plan to use all of the property for its own purposes: the company announced that it will donate a parcel of the land for a potential future new home for the Pathways to Technology Magnet School. Due to the current state of the existing building on the Garden Street property and the view of architects and engineers that it is unusable for The Hartford as office space, the company plans to file for a demolition permit with the City of Hartford. (PDF document, 2 pages) Published by The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
; Publication Date: December 31, 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/Garden_St_PR.pdf
This document reports on the challenges that low-income families in Hartford neighborhoods are faced with in attaining economic security in three distinct sections: 1) The high cost of going to work, 2) Paying more for basic needs, and 3) Paying more to get ahead.
(PDF file, 16 pages) Published by Making Connections Hartford Making Connections Hartford
; Publication Date: February 2004
Link: /issues/wsd/familiesandchildren/highcosthartfordpoor.pdf
Related Link(s):
Connecticut Association for Human Services
The High Cost Of Being Poor In Hartford And What Hartford Is Doing About It (Press Release)
United Way of the Capital Area
This website presents information about the I-84 Hartford Project is a Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) project to address structural deficiencies within the I-84 corridor approximately between Flatbush Avenue (Exit 45) and the I-91 interchange in Hartford. The I-84 Hartford Project will examine the feasibility of a wide range of concepts and, in collaboration with state and federal agencies, stakeholders, and the public, make a final recommendation on how to reconstruct this section of the I-84 corridor. Published by The I-84 Project The I-84 Project
Link: /issues/wsd/transportation/wsd_071413.asp
The goal of the iQuilt Plan is to connect cultural assets in Hartford to create a more vibrant, walkable, sustainable city and downtown. This page collects various documents, presentations and news articles on the topic. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
Link: /issues/wsd/downtowndevelopment/wsd_iquilt_wrapper.asp
This pocket guide is a handy abbreviated version of the full iQuilt Plan Overview, released in January 2012. (PDF document, 19 pages) Published by iQuilt Partnership iQuilt Partnership
; Publication Date: January 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/downtowndevelopment/iquilt_pocket_guide.pdf
A periodic newsletter of the Adriaen's Landing District, highlighting the new developments in Hartford and East Hartford along the Connecticut River and in downtown Hartford. (PDF document, 3 pages) Published by Capital City Economic Development Authority Capital City Economic Development Authority
; Publication Date: September 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/DowntownDevelopment/wsd_090109.asp
This analysis reports that Connecticut�s economy is in recession; the contraction began nearly a year ago, in third quarter 2007. But to date the pain has been remarkably little. Connecticut has seen only modest job loses through this period, and its unemployment rate, 6.1%, is below the national rate, 6.5%. Despite the gathering economic storm clouds, the CCEA Economic Outlook forecasts total job loses of only 40,000 and a modest decline in the state�s economic output. (PDF document, 5 pages) Published by Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: November 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/CTOutlook_2008Nov.pdf
This report examines the economic consequences of the recession in Connecticut. (PDF document, 33 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: August 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/Employment/econ12sowctfull.pdf
This report, part two of the State of Working Connecticut report, examines job growth, unemployment, and underemployment in context of past trends, as well as the current and oncoming economic difficulties. (PDF document, 38 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: December 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Job_Trends_2008.pdf
This report concludes that recent economic trends are undermining the foundations of Connecticut�s prosperity and threatening the well-being and economic security of our families. (PDF document, 23 pages) Published by Connecticut Voices for Children Connecticut Voices for Children
; Publication Date: August 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Wage_Trends_2008.pdf
A video of the May 20, 2008 community program, The Subprime Lending Crisis: What Does It Mean for Hartford and the Region?, which was held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: May 20, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_05_20_2008.asp
Between 2000 and 2008, suburbs in the US�s largest metro areas saw their poor population grow by 25 percent�almost five times faster than primary cities and well ahead of the growth seen in smaller metro areas and non-metropolitan communities. As a result, by 2008 large suburbs were home to 1.5 million more poor than their primary cities and housed almost one-third of the nation�s poor overall. The percentage of people living in poverty in the towns outside Hartford grew far more quickly than the city's poverty rate from 2000 to 2008. (PDF document, 24 pages) Published by The Brookings Institution The Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: January 2010
Link: /issues/wsd/region/Brookings_Poverty_Report.pdf
An analysis of poverty in cities and suburbs of the nation�s 100 largest metropolitan areas, based on data from the 2005 American Community Survey and Census 2000. Findings indicate that in 2005, the poverty rate in large cities (18.8 percent) was twice as high as in suburbs (9.4 percent), poverty rates rose significantly in Midwestern and Southern metropolitan areas, but remained steady in the West and Northeast, and in cities and suburbs where overall poverty rates rose from 1999 to 2005, child poverty rates rose faster. Economic conditions during the early 2000s brought a rise in poverty nationwide and in many cities and suburbs. Regional impacts, however, have been uneven. These findings emphasize that federal and state labor market supports like the Earned Income Tax Credit and unemployment insurance can act as powerful tools for helping families suffering the effects of economic downturns. At the local level, the enduring social and fiscal challenges for cities that stem from high poverty are increasingly shared by their suburbs. (PDF file, 24 pages) Published by The Brookings Institution The Brookings Institution
; Publication Date: December 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/region/city_suburban.pdf
A video recording of the April 21, 2009 community program, Understanding City Services: Development Services, held at the Hartford Public Library. Published by HartfordInfo.org HartfordInfo.org
; Publication Date: April 21, 2009
Link: /issues/wsd/Videos/wsd_04_21_2009.asp
The 2008 annual advertising supplement to the Hartford Courant, put together by Upper Albany Main Street (UAMS), which spotlights the growth and success of a variety of development projects and neighborhood businesses in Upper Albany. (PDF file, 5 pages, 5.5 MB) Published by The Hartford Courant The Hartford Courant
; Publication Date: April 30, 2008
Link: /issues/wsd/Neighborhoods/UpperAlbany_HtfdCourant_Insert_2008.pdf
This report is a reflection of the ideas and hard work of a range of experts � practitioners, political leaders, and scholars � who have dedicated their time and energy to making older small cities better places to live. (PDF document, 56 pages) Published by Policy Link Policy Link
; Publication Date: 2007
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Voices_from_Forgotten_Cities.pdf
Related Link(s):
MIT School of Architecture and Planning
Connecticut�s Great Recession was more severe than we previously thought � and Connecticut was still contracting when the rest of the nation was beginning to recover. We learn this from revised data the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Ultimately, BLS�s revisions reveal that Connecticut has an even steeper hill to climb that we had thought. (PDF document, 9 pages) Published by Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis Connecticut Center of Economic Analysis
; Publication Date: August 2012
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/CTOutlook_2012Aug.pdf
A description of survey and focus group participants� financial status, including information on employment, taxes, renting/owning home, banking, savings/debt, and credit history, is presented. (PDF file, 27 pages) Published by Annie E. Casey Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation
; Publication Date: September 2003
Link: /issues/wsd/economicdevelopment/financialservices.pdf
Related Link(s):
Hartford Making Connections
Women earn less than men, bear a disproportionate share of family responsibilities, and live longer. However, economic security can be achieved with investments to help families reach economic self-sufficiency. (PDF file, 32 pages) Published by Connecticut Permanent Commission on the Status of Women Connecticut Permanent Commission on the Status of Women
; Publication Date: February 16, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/EconomicDevelopment/Women_Econ_Security.pdf
The Working Poor Families Project, with the support of the Annie E. Casey, Ford and Rockefeller foundations, has spent three years working in 15 states to examine both the conditions of low-income working families and public policies that can help improve lives. This report builds on that work and takes a broader look at low-income working families across the nation and key facets of an economic and public system that affect their ability to achieve economic security. PDF Document: 36 pages. Published by The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Annie E. Casey Foundation
; Publication Date: October 2004
Link: /Issues/wsd/Employment/wsd_10_2004.asp
This new Hartford handbook focuses on building assets, education, credit, money management, and planning. (PDF file, 40 pages) Published by Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc. Connecticut Association for Human Services, Inc.
; Publication Date: November 1, 2006
Link: /issues/wsd/FamiliesandChildren/2006HartfordFES.pdf